Cabbages in the Desert: How God Transformed a Devout Muslim and Catalyzed Disciple Making Movements among Unreached Peoples
– coauthored with Aila Tasse
Are Disciple Making Movements really happening among Muslims? If so, how are they happening? And what do those movements look like? You’ll find answers to these questions and many more in Cabbages in the Desert, where a zealous Muslim teenager meets a kind Christian teacher. Radically transformed then banished from home, Aila receives a vision of unreached peoples coming to Christ. After successfully planting many churches, he hears a challenge to explore a more fruitful approach: Disciple Making Movements. Find out how and why these movements with many generations of disciples are spreading, in a variety of social and religious contexts, in over a dozen countries in East, Horn, and Southern Africa. Discover the vital role of indigenous leaders, and how movements can take root and grow, even among nomadic peoples and oral learners.
Cabbages in the Desert provides inspiration and insight about the dynamics of Disciple Making Movements. It also goes beyond that, encouraging practical application for all who want to see the Lord do similar work in their life and context. The same God who does amazing things in East, Horn, and Southern Africa, also desires to work in and through you!
Available from Amazon in paperback and Kindle.
Jonathan Edwards on Movements
The world was a very different place, nearly 300 years ago, when Jonathan Edwards wrote about events happening during the First Great Awakening. He responded to criticisms of that awakening with careful, biblically-based analysis of pros and cons of the events taking place.
Current discussions about Church Planting Movements (CPMs) and Disciple Making Movements (DMMs) employ numerous terms not found in Edwards’ writings. Yet the Lord has not changed, the Bible has not changed, and the gospel has not changed. Edwards’ incisive and edifying analysis contains numerous insights that have endured through the centuries.
The wisdom we glean from Edwards’ comments on the awakening of his time can shed helpful light on current discussions about movements taking place in our time.
Available in paperback, Kindle, and audible.
Bhojpuri Breakthrough: A Movement that Keeps Multiplying
Coauthored with Victor John
One of the largest Church Planting Movements in the world, the Bhojpuri movement began in the 1990s and continues to spread gospel light into the region of North India that has been called “the graveyard of missions.” Drawing upon dozens of personal stories of transformation from within the movement, Victor John (with collaborator Dave Coles), guides us through insights and lessons learned along the way. Today, the Bhojpuri work is breaking through into neighboring people groups and marginalized social sectors, transcending language, ethnicity, religion, and caste.
David Garrison, author of A Wind in the House of Islam writes: Bhojpuri Breakthrough revisits the movement that introduced us to Church Planting Movements 25 years ago, where we now find it catalyzing new movements among neighboring Hindu, tribal, marginal, and Muslim people groups across North India. I’m often asked, “How long do these movements last?” Well, after 25 years, this one shows no sign of slowing down!
Available from in paperback, Kindle, and ePub.
Available from Amazon in paperback, Kindle, and audible.
24:14 – A Testimony to All Peoples
Coedited with Stan Parks
Jesus promised: “This gospel of the kingdom will be proclaimed in the whole world as a testimony to all ethnē (people groups), and then the end will come.”
The 24:14 Vision is to see the gospel shared with every people group on earth in our generation. We long to be in the generation that finishes what Jesus began and other faithful workers before us have given their lives to. Examples of kingdom movements can be found dotted throughout church history, yet God is doing something unique in our day. Movements are more numerous and widely spread than ever before.
We long to see the gospel proclaimed throughout the world as a testimony to all people groups in our lifetime. We hope you will catch that vision as you read and join us in praying and serving to start kingdom movements in every unreached people and place.
Available from Amazon in paperback, Kindle, and ePub.
Available from 24:14 Resources in Kindle, ePub, and PDF.
Motus Dei: The Movement of God to Disciple the Nations
Associate editor, and author of Chapter 3: “Addressing Theological and Missiological Objections to CPM/DMM”
An incredible breakthrough in missions history is taking place as disciples of Jesus make more disciples of Jesus around the globe, particularly among the least-reached. But what exactly are these church planting or disciple making movements? Where are they occurring and what are their unifying features? How are they manifesting in diverse populations? And can you or your organization be instrumental in catalyzing more movements? Motus Dei, Latin for “movement of God,” seeks to answer these questions and more.
This in-depth analysis of movements provides a multi-disciplinary academic investigation of an emerging “movements missiology,” highlighting the importance of theology, social sciences, ethnology and anthropology, communications theory, leadership theory, and statistical analysis. Motus Dei locates the current Church Planting Movement (CPM) phenomenon within modern history, while tracing its roots back to the first century, and articulates a missiological description of the dynamics of Disciple Making Movements (DMMs) in Asia, Africa, and diaspora contexts in the Global North.
Available from William Carey Publishing in paperback and ePub.